Snowboarding Ability Chart

Level 1:

You have never tried snowboarding before or you had 1 lesson a while ago and feel like you forgot everything and are happy to start all over again.

Level 1+:

You know how to stop on one edge but you struggle getting up and you haven't tried the other edge yet

Level 2:

You can stop on both edges and get up on your own. You have tried going diagonally across the slope left and right on your heel side and on your toe side.

Level 3:

You have practiced changing edges from heel to toe and toe to heel but you struggle with one more than the other. You have tried a tow before but might need help using it.

Level 3+:

You can link your turns on easy slopes but find it harder onĀ  slightly steeper sections. You can use a tow

Level 4:

You can turn confidently on most slopes and now you want to explore more terrain and would like to introduce steeper pitches, off-piste or park into your riding.

Level 5:

You are a confident snowboarder and want to work on something specific or just ride with an instructor to see if there is anything to be improved upon.