Skiing Ability Chart

Level 1:

Never skied before or tried it once but would like to start from scratch. Try out your equipment, and practise moving around on the flat. We will teach you how to control your speed and perhaps start controlling direction using a snowplough.

Level 2:

You can comfortably hold a snowplough and control your speed. You are starting to turn left and right. We will introduce you to the lifts and give you the confidence to link your turns when and where you want to!

Level 3:

You are able to ski green and some easy blue runs and becoming less reliant on the plough for control of speed and direction. At this level, with a bit more speed, we will be encouraging you to match your skis parallel earlier and earlier in the turn.

Level 4:

You are happy skiing all blue and some red runs. You will be turning both skis at the same time and experimenting with varying the shape of the turn. We will encourage you to focus on improving your posture and developing the steering and pressure elements throughout the turn.

Level 5:

You will be able to ski the whole mountain with confidence. You are making consistently sweet turns with a well-coordinated pole plant. At this level we can look developing any area of your performance that will give you a better ride, such as carving, variable snow conditions, bumps or speed.